Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hey Universe

Today has been a good day. I asked the universe for it, and the universe delivered. Awesome. I will certainly try that more often.

Today I tackled the gym, the therapist, the raw vegan burrito store, my non-profit work, old invoices, transcript requests, my checking account and Best Buy - and it all worked out. I even got a brand new Canon Elph to show for it, so yes, today has been a good day.

I feel my thoughts aren't incredibly deep lately. I've been going a day at a time, trusting the world to figure itself out and then, hopefully, to take me aside and let me in on the secret. I'm not struggling right this second, which is an odd feeling. I suppose it'd be a good feeling, but it's so damn odd I can't even give it a thumbs up or down yet.

Today is the 25th day I've survived without eating animals or drinking alcohol. I so would have thought I'd be dead by this point, but no. Instead, my skin's a little clearer, I feel a hell of a lot better, and I'm probably a whole heaping dose happier than I was before. Interesting.

My life so revolved around eating and drinking - and not even in a I'm-Drunk-Every-Night kind of way, but more in the "Hi, I'm Cait, I'm a bar reviewer" kind of way. Now that's not who I am. So who am I?

I don't know.

Apparently someone who likes surviving gym, therapy, raw vegan burritos, non-profit work, invoices, transcripts, checking accounts and Best Buy. But obviously more than that too...

But what?

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