Monday, September 14, 2009

In Lieu of the Goji

It's been a year and a half since I last updated this blog - and so please excuse me for deleting all the earlier posts. Things change. The career in party-girl publicity segued into a stint as Media Strategies Senior Account Executive which has now evolved into a part-time consultant gig with non-profits and a large increase in statements like, "I am a novelist."

The Goji Berry (the original focus of this blog, among other topics) no longer seems relevant to my new, economy 2.0 lifestyle. Apologies to all disappointed parties.

Still, with all that said, instead of discussing the whole mad jaunt of change any further, I think I will use this space to write what's going on today, and, as idealistically and impossibly as any blogger would hope, every day hereafter. Right.

Today, in general, I am a freelance social media strategist, working primarily (and with monetary benefits) for an amazing non-profit, and secondarily (and without monetary benefits) for a slew of creative friends thrown into new professions due to economic shitstorms and the employers who react to them. Alas, my friends, wasn't health care great? But now we have freedom - so, so much freedom - and the challenge to not fall down and crack our heads in the wide open spaces of our new, exciting lives.

Yes. This is how excitement feels some days.

Today, in specific, I have to stop procrastinating and get to (this new economy's conceit of) work. I need to blog for The Non-Profit Man (NPM), reach out for writing opportunities, tap into that former PR career to invite some good press to a party, check in on invoices, work on the novel, and then, hopefully, have a real-life conversation with someone outside of my computer.

Let the day begin.

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