I'm kind of liking the pace of things right now - which must mean one thing: change is comin' round.
I'm not being snide or negative. I'm not belting out "Ironic" with three dopplegangers in a mid-sized compact car. I'm not even bringing out my twelve stone tablets of Murphy's Law. But I have noticed that when things start to feel settled, the still air is growing charged with electrons.
Call me batsh*t crazy, but I have noticed some signs lately - little grace notes from the universe that seem to reflect and presage what's happening around me. Normally this is great benign reflection fodder. Today, though, it seemed the world was repeatedly cautioning me about death.
In snippets of overhead conversation, chance page openings, friendly confidences, and daytime tv topics, death has come up again and again this morning and afternoon. I don't feel I'm channeling it. I'm certainly not introducing it as a conversation topic. But still, every hour or so, BOOM, there it is: some unsolicited mention of death.
Maybe I really am batsh*t crazy.
Now, don't get me wrong; I don't think the universe is warning me about literal death (knock knock knocking on heaven's wood door). However, I do I think I'm being warned of metaphorical death. Non-literal death. Current status quo death.
A change is coming; I can feel it.
I will keep you posted.
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