I have always wanted to spend a night in Mexico City. Yes. And who would have thought that tonight would be my lucky night? Oh, Mexicana Air, that's right. You would.
Unfortunately, this travel debacle isn't 100% Mexicana's fault, but really, when a flight departure time is moved just days before the flight, and the flight is a return international flight in a third-world country, wouldn't you think calling the American ticket-holder on her cell-phone to alert her to the change might not be the best way to get in touch with her? As she's an American? And so is her cell phone?
This wouldn't bother me so much except all my previous interactions with the airline were handled online. Web booking. E-Commerce. Email confirmations. I thought we had a virtual relationship, Mexicana. I didn't know you wanted to take it to the next level. Like a text-to-voicemail-to-call-to-in-person fling, our relationship just moved too fast. I'm not in the right place for this kind of thing, Mexicana. But, oh, how little you care.
Hell hath no fury like an airline's scorn.
I suppose I could have checked my cell phone messages from the hotel landline, incurring gross fees, yes, but still slightly smaller charges than what it cost to amend the flight itinerary after "missing" my flight, and paying for the overnight hotel room in Mexico City.
Yes, I have always wanted to spend a night in Mexico City. Have I always wanted to spend it alone, $350 out of pocket, with some kind of highly unpleasant Mexican flu? Why no. No, not exactly.
No me gusto.
Still, a caballo regalado, no le mires el diente... If it's a burro, though, all bets are off.
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